
Pro Movement Dallas Chiropractic & Sports Therapy was founded by Dr. Garrett Mayeaux. With a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Exercise & Physiology from Texas A&M University and a Doctorate of Chiropractic degree from Parker University, Dr. Garrett focuses on providing movement centered quality care. As a long time multi-sport competitor and professional triathlete, he has a passion for working alongside endurance athletes to help them develop into the best version of themselves. Having studied injuries and overcoming many of his own, he understands the frustration surrounding them and the “push through it” mindset that can be avoided. This has led him to develop a world class service that is easily accessible, pain eliminating, and self-empowering. Dr. Garrett is certified in performance focused functional movement techniques and utilizes a variety of chiropractic techniques to tailor care to each patient’s individual needs. By creating specific care based on the patient, he is highly successful at getting athletes back on track to achieving their goals and preventing future injuries.

Pro Movement Dallas Chiropractic & Sports Therapy was founded by Dr. Garrett Mayeaux. With a ... Read More

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Located at: 6699 Main St, Frisco
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